Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What do we do with your information?

We collect personal data whenever you purchase from our store. This includes the name, address as well as your email address.

We automatically track your IP address when you access our website. This helps us understand the browser you use as well as your operating system.

We\’ll email you to notify you of new items in the store, and other news.

Section 2: Consent

Does anyone know of a better method to obtain my approval than to ask me?

By providing us with personal information for completing a transaction on the internet to purchase, verify a credit card\’s details and arrange the delivery, exchange or return of a product or to be reimbursed, you indicate that you are in agreement with the collection and usage to fulfill this sole for this.

We will ask for permission or will give you the choice to refuse if it is not intended for use in marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some instances it is possible for us to provide personal information when the law requires the sharing or if you\’ve violated our terms and conditions.


We use third party service providers who will gather, store and give your data to the extent necessary for us to be able to offer the services.

A few third-party vendors like payments processors and gateways, have privacy policies that govern the information we are required to provide in order for your transaction to be completed.

The privacy policy of each service provider to ensure you are aware of what they will do with the information you provide.

Keep in mind that third-party providers could be operating in countries that are not the same as ours or yours. Your data could be considered to be governed by legislation of countries in which their facilities are or where they are located.

SECTION 6. Section 4.

took all reasonable steps to safeguard any personal information that you might give us.

If you provide us with your credit card details They are secured with secure socket layer (SSL) technology. They are then stored with AES-256. We follow the PCI DSS and various other industry standard requirements, even though no electronic storage or transmission technique is 100% secure.


By using this website by using this website, you warrant that you\’re at least the age required in the province or state in which you have residence. Or you have given consent to minors dependent upon the use of this website.